Introduce aquí el subtítular
Universo Criminal (UCrim) es una revista científica multidisciplinaria que de manera transnacional, pretende integrar investigaciones científicas acerca de problemas sociales desde perspectivas multi e interdisciplinarias, con el fin de esclarecer los fenómenos criminológicos que se presentan en la actualidad, las causas de la conducta delictiva y el desarrollo de conductas antisociales.
Dar difusión a la innovación y nuevas investigaciones científicas y tecnológicas en materia de criminología, causas de la conducta delictiva, problemas sociales, desde diversas perspectivas.
La revista Ucrim se publica de manera semestral: el primer volumen del año corresponde a enero-junio y el segundo de julio-diciembre.
El periodo de recepción de los artículos para el volumen de enero-junio será fecha límite 01 de enero, y del volumen julio-diciembre, será 01 de julio. Se podrán recibir artículos en fechas distintas a las mencionadas, para el siguiente número, evaluándose los mismos, siendo la decisión final de aceptación o rechazo del comité editorial.
Criminal Universe (UCrim) is a multidisciplinary scientific journal that, with a transnational approach, pretends to integrate scientific research about social problematics from multi and interdisciplinary perspectives, in order to clarify current criminological phenomenon, the reasons behind criminal conduct and the development of antisocial behaviours.
The Academic Corpus called Multidisciplinary and Multifactorial Social Problematics has its Lines of Generation and Innovative Application of Knowledge (LGAC), it's goal is to investigate and analize the multifactoriality of social issues with a multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach. The influence that criminal phenomenon has on society can be comprenhed from diverse ramifications like psychobiological, physical and mental health, quality of life, political, economical, educational, enviromental views, legal background, human rights, security ( human, national or global), and also "Sustainable Human Development". The main target is to analize criminal conduct, criminal tipology, antisocial behaviour, individual health and education, family bonds, including social enviroment.
Publishing new, innovative scientific and tecnological research about criminology, reasons behind criminal conduct, social problematics from different points of view.
This journal ambitions being the number one in digital media, publishing the best scientific content along being an open space for research development, creating links between Spanish-speaking countries, public and private education institutes, public security instutes and investigation centres.
This publication will analize and solve current social issues from an academic and professional perspective, producing articles strictly evaluated, prioritizing viability, applicability, scientific and academic trascendence. The main intention for this journal is to produce scientific knowledge from a criminalogy point of view.
The Ucrim journal is publish biannually: the first volume covers January-June and the second volume July-December.
and reception of articles for January-June issue will be deadline 01 January,
and for July-December issue, will be July 01.
Items received after deeadline may be considered for the next issue, previous evaluation from the editorial committee.